API and Integrations

Integrate YumiSign to your system or your favorite apps!

Storing your documents in the cloud

YumiSign stores your documents directly in the platform. However, you have the option to keep an additional copy on a distinct cloud storage platform (allowing you to delete the documents stored in YumiSign if you wish to do so). YumiSign has the capability to integrate with various third-party cloud storage

Microsoft Teams

With YumiSign for Microsoft Teams, create your projects directly from Teams, in a few clicks. Set up YumiSign for Microsoft Teams 1. Log in to your Teams account 2. Select Apps in the main window 3. Select YumiSign in your Apps list 4. In the YumiSign window, select Add to

Microsoft 365

With YumiSign for Microsoft 365, create your projects directly from Word, Excel and PowerPoint, in a few clicks. Set up YumiSign for Microsoft 365 Note: This documentation will use Word as an example, but the procedure is identical for Excel and PowerPoint. 1. Log in to your Microsoft 365 account

Microsoft Outlook

With YumiSign for Microsoft Outlook, create your projects directly from Outlook, in a few clicks. Set up YumiSign for Microsoft Outlook 1. Log in to your Office 365 account and open Outlook 2. In the main menu, click on "Get Add-ins" 3. In the add-ins menu, search for


YumiSign is available as an app in Zapier, a powerful automation tool. To use YumiSign in Zapier, create a new Zap. When selecting an app, choose YumiSign: Depending of the trigger's step, you may access different events: * New document: when a project is done and the document is

Creating an API key

YumiSign comes with a complete Rest API. The easiest way to use it is to rely on an API key. Before starting In order to access the API, you will need a license with the API option enabled. To get a test license, contact us. Creating the key Connect to


Slack is a popular instant messaging app. By connecting Slack and YumiSign, you can get notifications about activity in your YumiSign workspaces. Connecting YumiSign to Slack 1. Go to your workspace dashboard 2. Click on "Integrations" 3. In your workspace's integration page, click on "Connect&

Google Mail

With YumiSign for Gmail, create your projects directly from Gmail, in a few clicks. Set up YumiSign for Gmail 1. Log in to your Gmail account 2. On the right bar, click on the "+" icon 3. In the marketplace, search for "YumiSign", then click on "

Google Workspaces

With YumiSign for Google Workspaces, create your projects directly from Docs, Sheets and Slides, in a few clicks. Set up YumiSign for Google Workspaces Note: This documentation will use Docs as an example, but the procedure is identical for Sheets and Slides. 1. Log in to your Google Docs account

Google Drive

With YumiSign for Google Drive, create your projects directly from Drive, in a few clicks. Set up YumiSign for Google Drive 1. Log in to your Drive account 2. On the right bar, click on the "+" icon 3. In the marketplace, search for "YumiSign", then click

API history

When working with REST APIs, it may be useful to see what the sent and received data look like. In your developer section, you can see your latest API history in details to help you troubleshot your integration. To see your history, first go to "Manage account". In

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